Double Membrane vs Traditional: Which Bio Gas Holder is Best?

12 Jul.,2024


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Double Membrane vs Traditional: Which Bio Gas Holder is Best?

Organic waste such as manure, agricultural by-products, and food waste produce bio gas. The bio gas is a renewable energy source that can be used for power generation or heating, and one way to store it is in a bio gas holder. Two types of bio gas holder are commonly used: traditional and double membrane. In this article, we will look at the differences between these two types of bio gas holders and determine which one is better.

Traditional Bio Gas Holder.

Traditional bio gas holders are made of concrete or steel, and they have a single shell that functions as the bio gas storage and digestion tank. Its capacity ranges from 22,000 to 640,000 gallons, and it's suitable for large scale operations such as commercial farms, municipal sewage treatment plants, and industrial facilities. The main advantages of traditional bio gas holders are their durability, ease of installation, and low maintenance cost since they don't require any mechanical parts or liner repair.

However, traditional bio gas holders have some disadvantages. They are susceptible to very high or low temperatures, and high humidity may cause the concrete to crack, leading to gas leakage. Moreover, the bio gas produced by them often contains contaminants such as hydrogen sulfide, which accelerates corrosion and increases the chances of leaks, that in most case requires experts to repair it.

Double Membrane Bio Gas Holder.

Double membrane bio gas holders consist of two layers of flexible materials, usually polyethylene or polypropylene. The interior absorbs the bio gas, while the exterior holds the bio gas in a sealed space. Unlike a traditional bio gas holder, double membrane bio gas holders are not continuous since the bio gas will expand and contract in volume during the digestion process. They are available in various sizes from 55 to 500,000 cubic feet, and they can fit a wide range of applications such as small-to-medium sized farms, small-scale production facilities, and food processing plants.

Double membrane bio gas holders have some significant advantages over traditional ones. They are resistant to extreme weather conditions, corrosion-resistant, and have a gas-tight seal to prevent leakage. Also, double membrane bio gas holders have a unique design that maximizes the volume of gas that can be stored in a limited area, making them ideal for congested urban locations.

Which Bio Gas Holder is Best?

Choosing the best bio gas holder depends on a variety of factors, such as capacity requirements, installation space, and surrounding climatic conditions. Traditional bio gas holders are a better option for large-scale operations because of their high capacity and low maintenance costs, while double membrane bio gas holders are perfect for smaller operations that require a flexible, compact solution. Double membrane bio gas holders are an excellent choice for companies that prioritize minimizing maintenance, long-term durability, and low environmental impact.

Contact Us.

If you want to know more about which bio gas holder is best for your application or have any questions regarding bio gas, contact us. Our experts will be pleased to help you select the right bio gas holder that meets your requirements and budget.

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