Spin your nails in the golden ratio!... then you should have the ability to harness the power of infinity.
—Gyro Zeppeli to Johnny Joestar, Silent Way, Part 4
The Spin (回転, Kaiten) is a supernatural phenomenon wielded by multiple key characters in Steel Ball Run and JoJolion.
It is a state of perfect or near-perfect rotation which produces a unique form of energy that can be applied for a multitude of uses.
The Spin is a state of rotation defined by its closeness to perfection, that perfection being the Golden Rectangle (黄金長方形, Ōgon Chōhōkei), more specifically the Golden Spiral that is derived from the Rectangle, a mathematically endless spiral, and a feature said to be omnipresent in the surrounding nature and a fortiori in works of arts.[1]
Unlike the average rotation, the Spin is persistent and produces more rotational energy[1] than it takes to create. That rotational energy is transferred to nearby objects in the form of vibrations[2] and can be wielded for a wide array of purposes.
The Spin is a specialty of the Kingdom of Naples. It is intensively used there either for medicine or for battle. All characters capable of performing advanced Spin techniques are either Neapolitan or have been taught by a Neapolitan.
Using the Spin
Gyro explains the Golden Rectangle to Johnny
Because of its miraculous property, the Spin has been wielded as a technique by a chosen few at least since the Middle Ages[3] from which several specialized skills have been derived.
Users of the Spin typically try to spin objects to follow as best they can the Golden Rectangle, creating a near endless rotation that may then create an infinite amount of rotational energy, before throwing said objects at a target. To do so, they apply a small force causing the object to Spin near perfectly, giving it an impulse of energy to start the rotation, and then let the rotation perpetuate itself. A bit of advice given to neophytes is to visualize the perfect rotation and then try to emulate it.[4]
The Spin is deceptively and relatively easy to learn at the basic, as the novice Johnny Joestar manages to produce a conclusive Spin with a cork within a day of learning about the power's existence;[4] however, it is extremely difficult to master. The Spin must be imbued into a medium that will keep on spinning and must be thrown so the object can transfer the energy through contact. Thus, a Spin user must be able to expertly aim and throw objects in order to hope for a result. One must also know the human body extremely well to exploit the effects of the Spin on people to the fullest. For instance the Zeppeli Family are trained as surgeons to use the Spin on criminals on death row,[5] otherwise, the Spin may only result in a simple enhancement of destructive energy. Others like the members of Naples' royal guard only use a highly specialized application of the Spin on the human body.[6]
General Use
Gyro throws a Steel Ball at Diego Brando
Associated Phenomena
Hemispatial Neglect
Hidarihanmi Shitchō
)Debut: Steel Ball Run Chapter 51:Chapter 51: Wrecking Ball, Part 1
Hemispatial Neglect
is a condition applied to the opponent as a result from one of the satellites from Wrecking Balls , a type of Steel Ball that is also associated with the Spin. It causes victims to lose all sense of feeling on their left side; in other words, victims can't feel or even see their left side.
Golden Spin
Ōgon no Kaiten
)User(s): Skilled Spin usersSkilled Spin usersChapter 43: Silent Way, Part 4
[1][16][17] is a superior state of rotation that only the masters of the Spin can use. To use the Golden Spin, one must approach the Golden Rectangle, a rectangle with a proportion equal to the golden ratioThe Golden Spinis a superior state of rotation that only the masters of the Spin can use. To use the Golden Spin, one must approach the Golden Rectangle, a rectangle with a proportion equal to the(approximately 16:9) that when recursively divided into a square and another golden rectangle, traces the path of the Golden Spiral; a self-similar and thus endless spiral. Used as a scale, the Golden Rectangle allows the creation of a perfect rotation and thus an infinite amount of energy. The Gold Rectangle is actually observable in nature, from the wings of a butterfly to the shape of a tree to snowflakes, and by extension in works of arts.
Gyro's Belt Buckle is notably shaped in the proportions of the golden rectangle and can be used as a model. The Zeppeli Family regularly uses the Golden Spin thanks to their knowledge of the golden ratio. Gyro then taught Johnny how to use the Golden Spin, allowing the latter to achieve greater forms of his Stand.
One can prevent Spin Users from using the Golden Spin by choosing the right battlefield, one that is devoid of life so that there is nothing that a Spin user can observe to discern a golden rectangle. For instance, Wekapipo and Magent Magent ambush Gyro and Johnny in the middle of a frozen strait.[6]
Associated Items
Wrecking Ball
Rekkingu Bōru (Kowareyuku Tekkyū)
)User(s): All Neapolitan guard membersAll Neapolitan guard membersChapter 51: Wrecking Ball, Part 1
[27] Moreover, even if the satellites miss their target, the shockwave they create in their passage causes hemispatial neglect[6] and allowing Wekapipo or allies to hide from the enemy.The royal guards of Naples use a highly specialized and aggressive version of the Spin, using Wrecking Balls instead of simple spheric balls. The smaller spheres embedded in the Wrecking Ball act as extra projectiles that can suddenly spring out of the main sphere and can attack multiple targets with precision and from unexpected angles.Moreover, even if the satellites miss their target, the shockwave they create in their passage causes, crippling the opponents in battleand allowing Wekapipo or allies to hide from the enemy.
Steel Ball
Iron Ball
Steel Balls (鉄球, Tekkyū, lit. Iron Ball) are versatile weapons designed to facilitate Spin, featured in the seventh part of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series, Steel Ball Run. In two types, they belong mainly to Gyro Zeppeli and Wekapipo.
The Zeppeli Family's Steel Balls are polished, highly spherical balls of steel, about the size of a baseball or boule. They are grooved on opposite faces by two large hexagons, almost joined by lines crossing the balls between their corners.
These Steel Balls are designed to facilitate a powerful and versatile form of Spin focused on the manipulation of human or animal anatomy and various organ systems. They may be thrown far and with force, and maintain a lengthy, regular Spin, able even to boomerang after impact to the catch of their user.
They are used originally by the executioners serving the royal family of Naples, handed down through the generations of the Zeppeli Family. The techniques of the Steel Ball were developed with the aim of finding an honorable method of execution.[1]
They have an effective range of around 20 to 30 meters.[2]
Steel Ball Users
Wrecking Ball