Is it better to build a fence or buy panels?

13 May.,2024


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DIY Fence Builders: Premade Panels vs. Stick-Built Fencing

As a Do-It-Yourself homeowner interested in putting together a fence, you have two options: installing pre-made panels or constructing the entire thing from scratch. (This latter method is known as stick building). Most DIYers opt for the first method as a matter of convenience: preassembled fencing is readily available at big box stores, installation mainly consisting of setting them between fence posts. Based on this one-sentence pitch, prebuilt seems like the ideal route—certainly less expensive than hiring the services of a professional contractor. However, there are advantages and disadvantages to both of the above mentioned methods that one needs to consider.

What are the benefits of preassembled fence panels?

As we alluded to earlier, the top reason DIYers choose pre-made fencing is time/money saved on installation. Because the panels have been assembled in advance, you’re likely to save what’d otherwise amount to days—or even weeks—building from scratch. Please note that you’re still responsible for installing fence posts, which includes measuring and marking spots, running plumb lines, digging holes, and setting concrete. What’s more, the posts need to be spaced apart according to the length of the panels.

Accommodation of these conditions, however, means a complete fence can potentially be installed over the course of a weekend—sometimes even just a day! And whereas most fence installation jobs require the combined efforts of whole teams, prebuilt fence panels typically require two people: one to hold each end of a panel while it’s being set between posts.

What are the disadvantages of preassembled fence panels?

Because everything’s assembled in advance, prebuilt panels offer less in terms of customization options. This means you have to be absolutely certain of the fence style you’re purchasing. America’s Fence Store also recommends buying prebuilt panels only from a reputable contractor with decades in the business. The panels available at big box stores tend to be low-quality: made of flimsy materials and held together with staples (rather than the nails used to fashion the wood fence panels available here at America’s Fence Store).

One advantage of stick-built fencing vs. pre-made panels is greater freedom for customization. Since everything’s put together from scratch, if you’re willing to dedicate the extra time, you can adjust individual panels as needed or desired, crafting the fence in your own image.

What type is best when building a fence on a hill?

Installing prebuilt fencing on hills is a common occurrence, though it presents a few disadvantages that are avoidable with stick building. Because pre-made panels are designed for installation on flat terrain, on slopes they need to be staggered in a step-shaped formation. This in turn leaves triangular gaps between the grade and the bottom of the fence that—in addition to being unsightly—present openings through which pets, children, and intruders can enter or escape. And while covering up gaps with landscaping or shrubbery is certainly possible, it requires more work on the part of the installer and does not guarantee the same level of security as a fence whose bottom is nestled firmly against the ground.

Installing pre-made fence panels on hills and slopes is also more complicated than installing on flat terrain. Fence posts always need to be set at a certain depth while covering enough above-ground height to sufficiently hold up a panel. For this reason, when installing on hills, each post needs to be custom measured and cut—so that it reaches deep enough into the ground for stability and high enough to help secure their attached panel(s) in place.

With stick-built fencing, however, each picket can be staggered so that panels move parallel to the contour of the terrain—allowing you to more easily avoid those unsightly gaps.

The Final Word: prebuilt fence panels vs. stick-built fencing

For Do-It-Yourself fence builders working on consistently even terrain, prebuilt fencing is understandably the common choice—not as expensive, requiring less installation time. And we must emphasize this: if you decide on pre-made panels, always purchase from a reputable fence contractor. You only want panels made of high-quality material—sturdy and long-lasting.

Fortunately, America’s Fence Store—the Midwest’s top online vendor for all things fencing—sells high-quality prebuilt wood fence panels at very affordable prices!

Ordering Wood Fence Panels from America’s Fence Store

Our preassembled panels come in two types: fully assembled and not assembled. (Not assembled is slightly cheaper.) To order:

1. Select your wood fence panel style.

2. Choose Fully Assembled or Not Assembled from the dropdown list.

3. Click Add to Cart

There are several factors to consider when choosing which fence company to hire to install your new wood fence. Wood fences come with many great benefits; wood fences can provide privacy, enclose your property, add security to keep intruders out, are perfect for pets, and are an affordable option compared to other fencing styles. However, not all wood fences are built the same, so how do you know what you are getting? You should always ask the fence company installing your wood fence about the products they are using, and it is important to understand the differences. Continue reading to understand what to look for when shopping for a new wood fence.

High Quality Materials

Pre-assembled fence panels are produced to maximize profit margins for those that sell them and as a result, cheaper wood and fasteners are typically used during manufacturing. Often, these pre-made panels use thinner lumber such as 1×3 rails and ½” pickets, and are constructed with staples. This results in a significantly reduced lifespan for the wood fence. The rails start to warp, the pickets start to pop out, the staples rust and leave stains, and the wood weathers and deteriorates much quicker. 

Look for a company that builds your wood fence with high-quality lumber onsite, from scratch, every time. Ideally, you should find a fence company that uses 1×6 pickets, 2×4 rails, 4×4 posts, and 6×6 hinge side gate posts. The 6×6 gate posts provide additional support to help combat common gate problems such as leaning, sagging, and hinge failure. Depending on where you live, 6×6 posts may not be available. If this is the case, a 4×6 gate post should be used at a minimum.

Be sure to ask what kind of fasteners are used. Are the fence pickets fastened to the rails using staples, or does your fence company use galvanized ring shank nails in constructing their wood fences? The galvanized coating helps prevent rust and corrosion, while the ring shank design provides added holding power to help prevent nails from popping out as the wood changes and shrinks over time. 

A wood fence properly constructed with high-quality materials is going to result in a stronger, sturdier fence that will last significantly longer than a pre-fabricated panel wood fence that cuts corners by using cheaper materials.

Easier to Install

Having your wood fence custom-built onsite allows for a smoother installation process. Constructing your fence at your property allows the fence to be built to conform to your land. This allows for the fence installer to adjust to your property’s unique slopes and grades while keeping the fence level and aesthetically pleasing to the eye. Every property has its own distinct set of obstacles that need to be accounted for, such as trees, shrubbery, and roots. Using a premade panel limits the installer’s ability to install the fence while accommodating your specific needs properly.

More Cost Effective

Believe it or not, a custom-built wood fence is typically cheaper than using premade panels. While the lumber itself is cheaper on a premade panel, the cost savings associated with the cheaper wood are not always shared with the fence company installing your fence. As alluded to earlier, these profit margins are increased for the manufacturer, and they charge the fence contractor or homeowner more to sell a panel since it has the benefit of being pre-assembled. On the surface, this seems to reduce the labor that goes into constructing the wood fence, but it creates more work to fit those panels to your property. Additionally, it is much heavier to lug the premade panels into your backyard when compared to being able to bring the individual lumber components into the yard and stage them around the yard to prep for the fence installation.

Better Looking Finished Product

The difference in the appearance of the final product is likely the biggest distinction between a custom-built wood fence and a wood fence made with prefabricated panels. Due to the higher quality materials and the flexibility during installation, a custom wood fence stands out when compared side by side with its alternative. The lumber looks better, the fence looks sturdier, and the site lines are cleaner and more even. A wood fence made with premade panels tends to have an uneven stepped installation, and even on flat ground, the panels aren’t as level. Where the fence panels meet each other and connect to the fence posts, there is typically an awkward transition that isn’t properly covered with a vertical wood picket. Simply put, a custom-built wood fence looks much cleaner and professionally done. The custom design options are limitless when having your fence constructed on-site. Please speak with your local fence pros about their options for cap and trim or lattice-style wood fences.

If you are looking for a great wood fence at an affordable price, Big Jerry’s Fencing guarantees that your wood fence will be built to last. 

Is it better to build a fence or buy panels?

The Difference a Custom Built Wood Fence Makes vs. Prefabricated Panels

Click here to get more.

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